January 2024 (v1.9.20)

Published on 18th January, 2024

Fuel Receipts

CheckedSafe has added the functionality to automatically record Fuel Receipts as a Vehicle Cost.

Previously, Fuel Receipts were recorded via a check from a Driver / Operator, and viewed via the View Checks page.

This functionally still exists, now however, the details from the Fuel Receipt can be automatically extracted from the receipt via OCR (optical character recognition) and populated into the Vehicle Cost section.

The following values are automatically extracted:

  • Total Amount in Litres
  • Fuel Cost (£/l) e.g. £1.25 per litre
  • Total Cost (£)
Record Fuel Receipt via CheckedSafe App

Below is an image of the “Fuel Receipt” template as visible in the Mobile Application:

The fields “Fuel Amount Litres”, “Pence Per Litre” and “Total Price” are optional fields (which can be removed from the check template entirely if required).

  • If these fields are populated via the App User, they will be automatically populated as a Vehicle Cost.
  • If these fields are not populated, an OCR of the image fuel receipt will be used in order to determine the values.
View Extracted Fuel Cost on Vehicle Cost List View

Once a “Fuel Receipt” Check is completed, it will be parsed and stored as a Vehicle Cost

  1. To filter Vehicle Costs that are only Fuel Costs select “FUEL” from this dropdown
  2. Any “Fuel Costs” will have the fuel icon displayed in this column
  3. To view more detail, or to fix any OCR recognition errors, click “View Detail”
View Extracted Fuel Cost on Vehicle Cost Detail View

To View the detail of the Fuel Cost, and to correct any Driver input / OCR recognition errors

  1. Total Amount in Litres
  2. Fuel Cost Per Litre (inc. VAT) in £ and pence
  3. Total Cost of all Fuel

Any incorrect fields can be corrected via this screen, change to one field will automatically update the other two fields.

Fixing Receipts OCR not able to read

Depending on the quality of the picture, OCR may not be able to automatically recognise values on the receipt. To view

  1. Select “Show Failed Cost Records” and click “Search”
  2. The Status column will show as Red, and click on “View / Edit” as usual to fix the errored row
Import Multiple Fuel Costs

It is possible to upload fuel costs in bulk via an Excel Uploader. To Upload click “Import Fuel Costs” on the Vehicle Cost list page.

Download the template and complete in the format specified, and then upload

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