5th May 2017

CheckedSafe Confirmed As An Earned Recognition Systems Provider

CheckedSafe and DVSA Earned Recognition.

Over the last year, CheckedSafe have been working with DVSA as a Software Compliance provider to get ready for the upcoming Pilot scheme for Earned Recognition with the DVSA.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) have now commenced the pilot trials of its ‘Earned Recognition’ scheme.

Earned recognition will recognise operators who show high standards of compliance and It will at this stage be a voluntary scheme.

The DVSA admit that roadside checks cost operators time and money and use up their own precious resources. So that is why they want to make sure that compliant businesses aren’t stopped unnecessarily. By using the Earned Recognition concept it means that the DVSA can then redirect their resources to the operators who pose the biggest risk to road safety.

DVSA Head of Enforcement Policy, Gordon MacDonald, says, “DVSA’s first priority is to protect the public from unsafe drivers and vehicles. We want to focus our resources on the rule breakers – operators who put their drivers and the wider public at risk.

Piloting the concept

If you wish to take part in the Earned Recognition scheme, you must be using a digital compliance system. It will not be possible to pilot the Earned Recognition scheme if you are still using paper.

In choosing a digital system you can be confident that the CheckedSafe system exceeds the requirements of the DVSA criteria and will manage this process for you. CheckedSafe have been approved as a supplier by DVSA.

Any operators that wishes to partake in this beneficial scheme will have to undergo a third party audit of their compliance systems by a DVSA-approved auditor.

Key performance data will be shared with DVSA on vehicle maintenance and driver Tachograph analysis.

We must make it clear at this stage that the DVSA DO NOT WANT ACCESS TO YOUR DATA, what they want is a regular periodic report to indicate compliance against the published KPI’s. The reality is that the compliance required is no more than that which the Operator undertakes to do when signing the undertaking on the grant of an Operators licence.

Earned Recognition Criteria

The DVSA are looking for operators who can demonstrate high standards of compliance and are looking for a variety of different lorry, bus and coach operators to take part in the trial and these will need to range from large multi-vehicle companies to the one vehicle operator. This is a PILOT scheme and has been designed to be a two-way process and will involve the DVSA/Operator/Supplier interaction throughout the Pilot Scheme.

At the end of the Scheme those that have taken part and worked to the FINAL STANDARDS and MET THEM will automatically be approved with Earned Recognition Status – that is the same for providers of Systems and Audit processes


You must also have:

  • held an operator’s licence for at least 2 years
  • had no regulatory action by a Traffic Commissioner for at least 2 years, other than warnings
  • an electronic management systems for maintenance and drivers’ hours which can track your KPIs and report exceptions automatically – Or looking to put one in place as Checkedsafe can have you up and running on day one

If you’d like to find out more on the Earned Recognition scheme, be put forward for the pilot or would simply like to know how it could benefit your business, why not give us a call on 01282 908429.

CheckedSafe are rightly proud of being one of the system providers helping with the Earned Recognition pilot.


Sign up to take part in the earned recognition pilot – Register your interest here >

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