Kier Highways
Keir Highways has worked collaboratively with Checkedsafe for over three years to improve the compliance of our fleet & plant.

DTHughes Contractors
DTHughes in 2018 slipped into OCRS Red due to failings on compliance it was decided by Stuart Ellison the Chief Engineer the only way forward was to have in place an electronic system.

Amey is a diverse company operating a mixed fleet approx. 5000 ranging from vans, cars HGV’s, including Tippers, Gritters, Refuse Collection Vehicles and plant operating across the UK and Northern Ireland

Hughes Haulage
What a fantastic bit of kit you have developed. It is very intuitive and user friendly and I know will prove invaluable as we go forward with it.

HP Freightways
We approached Checkedsafe for a demo of their system a while ago. After testing the system we realised we liked it but wanted to test the market to compare the product to others available. To Checkedsafe’s credit the encouraged this probably knowing we would come back to them and come back we did.

DT Hughes
My last point to say is that we employ a Dyslexic chap as our plant fitter and has a hard time writing, the App has been a godsend to him and he loves using it as he can recognise the letters but struggles to write them this way he just touches them.

Cumfy Bus
"We found that the CheckedSafe product was easier to use and a better back office system for our Engineer Kevin to use – it does exactly what it says on the tin.”

Swans Travel
“Physical time and efficiency saving of over 30 hours/week – which is an average saving of between £400-£500 a week over our fleet of 25 Vehicles” Peter Weston: Swans Fleet Engineer Case Study: Swans TravelSwans Travel Ltd are an Executive/Luxury coach operator based in Manchester. Swans Travel were looking for a system which would ensure…