November 2023 (v1.9.18)

Published on 30th November, 2023

Add MOT and VED to Vehicle List View

For Vehicles which have “Load MOT” ticked, and “Load Vehicle Data” ticked, the Vehicle List View will display the MOT expiry Date and the VED expiry date.

Add Vehicle Status to Vehicle List Filter

More options for filtering Vehicles have been added to the Filter View.
There are now the following options (options marked with ** are selected by default).

  • Is Not VOR (Vehicle Off Road) **
  • MOT Expiring within 30 days
  • MOT Expired
  • VED Expiring within 30 days
  • VED Expired
  • Vehicle is Ended
  • Vehicle is not Ended **

The dedicated filter options “Vehicle is Ended / Vehicle is not Ended” and “Is VOR / Is Not VOR” have been removed, the same functionality can now be achieved.

Add Licence Check, MOT and VED to Weekly & Monthly Email Summaries

Any Vehicles that have either a VED or MOT expiring within the Email Period (Weekly or Monthly) will be displayed on the email.
Similarly, any of your operator Driving Licences, Tacho Cards or CPC Cards that are expiring within the Email Period (Weekly or Monthly) will be displayed.

Any licences, MOTs or VEDs that have already expired will always be displayed, regardless of Email Period.

Trailer MOT lookup

For operational purposes, when it comes to Trailers, many customers use the “Vehicle Registration” field as a “Driver Friendly” name e.g. TR1, TRAILER 1, etc. adding the actual ‘C’ number (C123456) to the Vehicle / Equipment ID field.
This prevented the Trailer MOT from being correctly determined. Now, the Vehicle / Equipment ID field will be used when the following criteria are met;

  • Category has the word “Trailer” anywhere
  • The Vehicle Registration field does not match the format ‘C123456’
  • The Vehicle / Equipment ID field does match the format ‘C123456’

Below is an example of a Vehicle which would use the Vehicle / Equipment ID field to look up the MOT data:

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